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Centers of Influence
posted Wednesday, March 11, 2020
So many people come in and out of our lives. Family, friends, co-workers and acquaintances alike, its truly countless. I am not sure we even realize the number of individuals that we come in contact with and how we can positively or negatively affect them on every conceivable level.

The Ultimate Teacher
posted Tuesday, May 5, 2020
May 5th marks 19 years that Lisa Alberino and I have been married. We met in 1999, in Las Vegas of all places, and have been together ever since. In that time, we have seen more than most as a couple. We have moved across the country… twice. We have raised three children (four if you ask Lisa) and we have been a part of successes, failures, ups and downs, love and loss throughout this incredible stretch. Our ride has been anything but boring.

I WANT you to get that JOB!
posted Wednesday, June 15, 2022
You just applied for a job and I WANT you to get it. I truly do! I want to help you lock that job down (or that certain someone in your life who is going through this process) but you have to read further (or share!) to understand what will get you a giant step forward to doing so.

Regrets, I've had a Few.
posted Friday, August 25, 2023
We have all said things that we instantly wished we could retract. We have all acted in ways that cause disbelief and shame in our mind. Every one of us has missed an opportunity that presented itself openly, only to be squandered with the exception of reliving that miss in our head, over and over and over… That’s good ole regret for you.

SPF for the Soul
posted Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Just recently, I went into my phone with hopes of cleaning up imagery that has been bogging down my photo collection. After meticulously creating folders and backing up my phone to save these precious memories, I found myself getting caught up in wonderful scrolls down memory lane. Indelible moments that just made my heart sing flashed across my screen with each click and I realized how much I had done over the past few years. With every image I grew more thankful if not wistful.

30 Seasons and Counting
posted Wednesday, April 10, 2024
So after 10,593 days what have I learned? I argue that I may not have the degrees to hang on the wall, however, I have a few masters degrees and PhDs in my pocket from my dealings over the course of my career. All of the things that I have learned all come back to people.

Advice from the Inner Circle
posted Thursday, February 6, 2025
We’ve heard this before, but this expression fittingly defines the concept of synergy and that is exactly what we experience at the Chiefs; Synergy. In this Super Bowl Week, we are seeing a Chiefs team strive for greatness, using all its “parts” to complete the mission. I thought it was only appropriate to share with you some insight from the people that I call teammates who are amongst the “parts” that have us moving in the right direction.